Spread, Jacob’s join, Jacob’s supper, faith supper, covered dish supper, bring and share, pitch-in, carry-in, bring-a-plate, smorgasbord, dish-to-pass.

The title of this entry consists of a list of synonyms of potluck dinner. I figured since this Thursday’s meeting will be a potluck format that it would be interesting to investigate its origin.

The idea of the potluck was not born from the first Thanksgiving Dinner, which we all know (or should know) wasn’t a peaceful gathering full of maize and jello molds, but instead a cover up for the systematic genocide of the Native Americans. No, the potluck actually finds its true origins during the Middle Ages.

Those living in the Middle Ages never threw leftovers away (pretty sustainable peeps huh?) Instead, they threw them all into a pot and that was kept heated to feed any unexpected guests. Thus, came the phrase “luck of the pot”. I’m assuming this was because you could show up just in time for some hearty beef stew with leftover veggies and potatoes. Or possibly a rotting rabbit carcass with some potato peels for flavor.

So the original potluck did not mean what it means today, a communal meal where the attendees are expected to bring a dish to share, but I’m pretty sure I am okay with that. A potluck is an opportunity for us to share a piece of ourselves with everyone; food that excites us, fills us or is just a chance to try something new because hey, if it stinks Jonathan Sillyninny brought an apple pie- so we won’t have to starve.

If you’re interested in partaking in a spread, bring-and-share, or a smorgasbord this Thursday, March 9th at 7:30pm check out our event page at http://on.fb.me/gpajrk for more details.

One thought on “Spread, Jacob’s join, Jacob’s supper, faith supper, covered dish supper, bring and share, pitch-in, carry-in, bring-a-plate, smorgasbord, dish-to-pass.

  1. I appreciate this blog post for your use of link shorteners. Also, I think potlucks really exemplify, for me, the magic of food, and how it is brought out when you have a group of people sharing something that they created from scratch with others. you get to bring something you are proud of, and get to enjoy in the manifestations of others’ pride. I don’t think you can leave a potluck unsatisfied – both in your stomach and in your soul.

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